Posts Tagged With: “MSC”

MSC’s Water Main Cleaning and Lining Project

We understand there has been some confusion regarding the Sewer Main relining project being performed by New Castle County with their contractor AM-Liner East, Inc. and the Municipal Services Commission (MSC) of the City of New Castle’s Water Main Cleaning and Lining Project performed by MSC’s contractor J. Fletcher Creamer (JFC).  If you receive notifications regarding the projects please note the government agency and contractor to help avoid confusion. The MSC project began Monday, June 10, 2019 and will include Delaware Street from 4th to 6th Street and East 4th Street from Delaware to Harmony Street.  MSC’s contractor JFC is […]

Winner of Storm Preparation Radio Raffle – Laverna Avery

Municipal Services Commission public relations announcement on the winner of the Storm Preparation Ambient Radio Raffle.  Please click on the link below to view full story: MSC Storm Preparation Radio Winner – Laverna Avery