Special Notice due to Coronavirus (COVID -19) HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR AFFECTED BY COVID-19
Date Posted: Wednesday, March 18th, 2020Your neighbors need your help. Although everyone has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, some are now in crisis. City of New Castle residents who have lost their job or source of income are struggling to pay their bills and don’t know how they will meet their expenses over the next few weeks. As good friends and neighbors, we can help support our community to get through these difficult and uncertain times. In 2009, the Municipal Services Commission’s (MSC) created a New Castle Cares Fund at the Salvation Army in order to provide financial assistance to individuals who may have experienced a hardship and need assistance paying their electric and water bills. Now more than ever your neighbors need your assistance. Please consider helping your community by writing a check to the New Castle Cares Fund and mailing it to The Salvation Army PO BOX 308 Wilmington, DE 19899 today!
Update 03-25-2020 please click “Learn More” for latest information and Press Release w Declaration 2
MSC Offices Closed to the Public but staff still working to assist customers: Due to the state of emergency for the State of Delaware due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), MSC offices will be open and working, but closed to the public effective March 16, 2020 until further notice. MSC customers are able to make payments online, over the phone (866-236-8299), dropbox located in the front of 216 Chestnut St and through the mail. Applications can be obtained online, via email or picked up from the InfoBox in the front of 216 Chestnut St. If residents have questions please call 323-2330. Over the past week, the Municipal Services Commission of the City of New Castle (MSC) has taken measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the Governor issued a State of Emergency on March 13, 2020, the MSC has been meeting with City of New Castle leaders and local Emergency first responders daily to promote communication in an effort to make informed decisions. Emergency Response Plans have been updated to ensure electric and water service to the citizens of New Castle. The MSC has also been communicating with other utility providers and have reaffirmed their Mutual Aid agreements are in place. These agreements promote cooperation and assistance from other Delaware municipalities and communities throughout the country. In addition to these steps, the MSC began team isolation of its staff to limit the risk of personnel becoming infected. Thorough and ongoing cleaning is taking place at all MSC locations and public exposure has been limited by performing functions via on-line and telephone. We appreciate the communities continued understanding and cooperation during these unusual circumstances. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the MSC at 302-323-2330.
Tags: About the MSC, alert, Billing, cancel, change, City of New Castle, cleaning, closure, Home, MSC, MSC Municipal Service Commission, Municipal Services Commission, New Castle, Notice, Water